Sultan HB X Prioritizes Completing Student Vaccinations Before Allowing Face-to-Face Learning

YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X still prioritizes completing student vaccinations before allowing face-to-face learning (PTM) even though PPKM in his area is already at level 3.

"We are prepared (for PTM) yes, indeed all of them must be vaccinated," said Sultan HB X at the Kepatihan complex, Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 14.

However, the Sultan has asked schools to make preparations before the limited PTM in DIY begins. Moreover, he said, vaccination for students in his area was almost finished.

"The important thing is that we prepare ourselves, later we will meet face to face momentum because it is possible for that," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Education, Youth, and Sports (Disdikpora) DIY Didik Wardaya said that out of a total of around 400 SMA/SMK in DIY, there were 177 schools whose student vaccination coverage had reached 80 percent. Meanwhile, overall teacher vaccination has reached above 95 percent.

To take part in PTM, according to Didik, in the future each student must obtain permission from their parents.

"If there is no permission from parents, partial distance learning will not be a problem. So face-to-face contact does not eliminate PJJ (distance learning)," he said.

To face the limited implementation of PTM, according to him, Disdikpora DIY will hold simulations in several schools whose vaccinations have reached 80 percent, have health care facilities ready and have formed a COVID-19 task force.

According to Didik, PTM is limited to prioritizing schools with maximum vaccination coverage.

"After all, this is a matter of security, and of course there was parental permission. That's why the school made a circular regarding parental permission," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) RI Nadiem Makarim actually asked schools in the PPKM Level 1 to 3 areas not to hesitate to hold limited PTM.

"All (schools in the PPKM area) level 1 to 3 can meet face to face right now," he said.

According to Nadiem, schools do not need to wait for most students and teachers to be vaccinated as long as the PPKM in their area has dropped to Levels 1 to 3. "There is no need to wait for it (vaccination)," said Nadiem.