Most Contributor To COVID-19 Cases, Secapa AD Bandung Is Strictly Isolated

JAKARTA - West Java (West Java) became the province with the highest number of positive cases of COVID-19, Thursday, July 9. The cause was the infection of 1,262 people from the Indonesian Army Officer Candidate School Education Center (Secapa) cluster in Bandung. Now, as AD is strictly isolated.

The government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained that isolation supervision was carried out strictly by health elements from the Siliwangi Military Regional Command 3.

"We isolate the entire educational complex for prospective TNI Army officers in Bandung, we do quarantine and then we prohibit the movement of people, either entering the complex or leaving the complex," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Thursday, July 9th.

Yuri said that 1,262 positive cases consisted of students who were undergoing training and several trainers. Even so, only 17 were treated and isolated at the Dustira Cimahi hospital due to complaints, including fever and respiratory complaints.

"Meanwhile, the remaining 1,245 people without any complaint. Currently, we are all quarantined in the education area of the Army Officer Candidate School in Bandung," Yuri explained.

To this day, all Secapa AD participants who are undergoing independent isolation are declared to be in good condition. Yuri ensured that the spread of COVID-19 would not spread outside the Secapa AD complex because there was tight security.

"We are closely guarding so that the implementation of regional quarantine can be carried out optimally. Of course, with close monitoring carried out by the West Java Provincial Health Office, the Bandung City Health Service, and from the Siliwangi 3 Military Command," he said.

Therefore, Yuri asked the public to calm down. Because, Yuri claimed that the handling of COVID-19 at Secapa AD Bandung had been carried out professionally and with international standards.

Yuri also asked the participants' families and trainers who were infected with COVID-19 at Secapa AD to understand the spread of the corona virus in the military education center. Families are asked to communicate by telephone and other media means.

"We fully guarantee that the evaluation of quarantine participants is carried out optimally. Therefore, we ask the public to be calm and not to panic," said Yuri.

For information, today there were an additional 2,657 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases today. The total number of positive cases became 70,736 people. The number of new cases today is a record high with the province that accounts for the highest number of new cases is West Java.

Then, the number of patients who died today increased by 58 people, to become 3,417 patients. There were an additional 1,066 patients recovered, bringing the total to 32,651 patients.