Received A Red Ponten From ICW, KPK: Assessment Should Refer To Valid Data And Information

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appreciates the steps taken by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) in providing an assessment of its institution. However, this institution reminds that the assessment should refer to valid data and information.
This was conveyed by the Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri regarding the red value given by ICW some time ago.
"As the executor of the control function, the assessment should refer to valid data and information. So that when it is conveyed to the public it does not cause misperceptions," said Ali to reporters, Tuesday, September 14.
He then mentioned that the KPK had actually conveyed its performance during the first semester of 2021 openly, starting from the implementation of the functions of prevention, prosecution, and anti-corruption education.
Regarding the function of prosecution, Ali explained, during the first semester, 77 investigations, 35 investigations, 53 prosecutions and 35 executions were carried out.
"From the 35 sprints, the KPK has named 50 suspects with a total asset recovery value of Rp. 171.23 billion," said Ali.
In addition, the anti-corruption commission through coordination and supervision activities with the local government also managed to save potential state losses of Rp22.27 trillion.
Not only that, in the prevention function, the KPK is also active in providing input related to the preparation of policy formulations, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as those related to social assistance, the Micro Business Productive Banpres Program (BPUM), wage subsidy assistance, electricity subsidies, and Pre-Employment Cards. which culminated in saving state money.
Moreover, eradicating corruption is not only how to create a deterrent effect through prosecution.
"But also how to optimize recovery and prevention of state financial losses, as well as inculcate anti-corruption values for the long-term investment of our next generation," said Ali.
In addition, he also said that the implementation of tasks at the KPK was not carried out individually but as a team. Thus, the stability and continuity of the KPK's performance can still be maintained in various situations, conditions and challenges. "KPK invites the public to continue to provide support for efforts to eradicate corruption," he said.
As previously reported, ICW gave red points to law enforcement officers, namely the KPK, the Attorney General's Office, and the National Police regarding the prosecution of corruption cases.
"The performance of taking action against corruption cases carried out by law enforcement institutions during the first semester of 2021 only reached 19 percent and was ranked E," said ICW researcher Lalola Easter in a press conference broadcast on YouTube Friends of ICW, Sunday, September 12.
He said these law enforcers should be able to take action against corruption more. Lalola even said that there should have been 1,109 corruption cases that could have been handled by the three institutions if they were based on DIPA for the 2021 Fiscal Year.
However, what happened was the opposite. In this semester, law enforcement officers were only able to handle 209 corruption cases of which 108 or 89.6 percent were new cases; 8.5 percent or 17 cases were the result of development; and 1.9 percent or 4 cases were the result of the KPK's hand arrest operation (OTT).