KPK Investigate Alleged Project Arrangement Conducted By Inactive Banjarnegara Regent Budhi Sarwono

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) are investigating allegations of project management by the inactive Banjarnegara Regent Budhi Sarwono. He is a suspect in alleged corruption in infrastructure development in the Banjarnegara Regency Government.

The investigation into the alleged project arrangement was carried out by investigators by examining two witnesses, namely the Director of PT Anugrah Setya Buana, Zaenal Arifin and the President Commissioner who is also the Site Manager of PT Hikmah Kurnia, Aji Purnomo.

"Witness Zaenal Arifin was confirmed, among other things, related to allegations of arrangements for contractors to be won in the auction of work packages in Banjarnegara Regency in 2017-2018," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Tuesday, September 14.

Meanwhile, against Aji Purnomo, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating allegations of setting up a work project package on Budhi's orders directly or through his trusted person, namely Kedy Afandi, who was the former head of his success team during the campaign.

In addition, investigators from the anti-corruption commission also examined a number of witnesses on Friday, September 10.

Those examined were the founder of PT Sumber Artha Jaya, Adi Widodo; village assistant who is also the Executor of PT Adi Wijaya from June-December 2015, Jarot Satrio Wibowo; Head of the Road and Bridge Maintenance Section of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of the Regency. Banjarnegara, Arief Setyawan; and Director of PT Buton Trito Baskoro, Ari Subagyo.

In addition, the KPK also examined marketing employees at PT Sambas Wijaya, Sapto Bagus Novianto and Mistar, who were drivers for PT Bumi Redjo.

During the examination they were examined a number of different things. With regard to Adi Widodo, the KPK is looking into the support of PT Sambas Wijaya for his company that participated in the auction of the work project.

Meanwhile, for Jarot and Arif Setyawan, the KPK is investigating the participation of certain companies that have been regulated and the victory is determined by Budhi, as the Regent of Banjarnegara.

Next to Ari Subagyo, Sapto Bagus, and Mistar, investigators confirmed the evidence found. "At the same time confiscation of the said evidence," said Ali.

Actually, the KPK will examine another witness named Joko Purwanto who is the Head of HRD at PT Sambas Wijaya. However, he was not present and will be rescheduled.

Previously, the Regent of Banjarnegara Budhi was named a suspect along with Kedy Afandi (KA) who was the former head of his success team during the election. He is suspected of receiving a commitment fee of around Rp. 2.1 billion from contractors who want to get projects in his area.

Not only asking for a fee commitment, Budhi was also named a suspect because he played an active role in the implementation of the infrastructure work auction. The KPK suspects that he was directly involved in distributing the work packages at the PUPR Service, including family companies, and arranging the auction winners.

Meanwhile, Kedy is always monitored and directed by Budhi, especially when making arrangements for the division of work. This is intended so that companies affiliated with him and incorporated in the Bumi Redjo group can splash out on procurement projects.