Suspected Of Persecuting Witnesses, 6 Senior Police Officers Of Percut Sei Tuan Were Questioned By Propam

JAKARTA - Six high-ranking officers from the Percut Sei Tuan Police are questioned by the North Sumatra Regional Police Propam Division (North Sumatra). They were examined in connection with the alleged persecution of Sarpan, one of the witnesses in the murder case.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Pol Tatan Dirsan said that the senior officers of the Percut Sei Tuan Police were the Percut Police Chief, Sei Tuan, the Otniel Otniel Siahaan, the Criminal Investigation Unit for the Percut Police, Sei Tuan Iptu Luis Beltran and the Criminal Investigation Committee.

"That's right, until earlier the North Sumatra Police Propam Division examined six police officers including the police chief," Tatan told VOI, Thursday, July 9.

According to him, Kompol Otniel Siahaan was also investigated because the highest leadership was at the Polsek. Thus, Propam wanted to find out the truth of the alleged persecution.

However, he could not give details about the alleged persecution. Including the news circulating that Kompol Otniel Siahaan has been removed as Kapolsek.

"We'll just wait for the results of the examination, all are still in the process of being investigated," said Tatan.

Previously, the Percut Police Chief, Sei Tuan, Commissioner Otniel Siahaan, denied that he had mistreated a witness named Sarpan. "Not true," said Otniel yesterday.

Based on information, it was suspected that Sarpan was tortured by several police in the detention cell of the Percut Sei Tuan Police, Deli Serdang Police, North Sumatra. In fact, the persecution started from being beaten to electric shocks.

In fact, Sarpan is not a criminal. The man who is a resident of Jalan Sidomulyo Pasar IX Dusun XIII Sei Rotan Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, is only a witness of a murder case.

However, by means of this persecution, Sarpan was asked to admit that he was the perpetrator of the murder of Dodi Somanto which occurred on Thursday, July 2.

Until finally, Sarpan reported the incident to the Medan Police with the number STTP / 1643 / VII / Yan 2.5 / 2020 / SPKT.