Axl Rose's Defense Of Her Rights In Criticizing The Trump Administration

JAKARTA - Axl Rose defends his right to speak on political issues. The leader of the rock band Guns N 'Roses said he felt an obligation to convey something about the irresponsibility of the United States government.

The vocalist has repeatedly voiced his dislike for US President Donald Trump. He explained his position in a message on TwitLonger, a related Twitter site where one can post messages longer than 280 characters.

He wrote: "My contempt for the current government and what I feel as a threat to democracy is no secret.

“I'm not active on social media and I more than appreciate anyone interested in something I might post, I'm not really interested in how many followers or retweets etc.

More details, can be seen here.

Axl has voiced criticism of the US government via Twitter several times in recent years. On Friday last week, he asked Jerome Adams to resign after the US surgical general refused to give a yes or no answer when asked if he would advise people to attend a large gathering during the commemoration of US independence day, July 4 weekend.

Last May, Axl took the opportunity to attack US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, calling him a "jerk". He also recently lashed out at the sheriff's decision in Orange County, California not to impose a coast closure mandated by state governors.

Back in November 2016, Axl took to Twitter to condemn Donald Trump's choice for the position of US attorney general, and berated Trump for demanding an apology from the cast of the Broadway show Hamilton after then-elected Vice President Mike Pence was booed while attending a musical.

A month later, Axl invited fans at the GN'R concert in Mexico City to beat up the pinata, aka a giant doll in the shape of Trump.

"Express yourself whatever you feel," said Axl while inviting fans to beat the pinata with a stick.

In January 2018, Axl denounced the Trump administration as the "gold standard of what could be considered shameful."