Kai EXO In The Performers Act By Gucci

JAKARTA - The Gucci fashion line presents a short film through its YouTube channel. In the “The Performers” segment, Gucci develops a fashion concept that is combined with the life and point of view of the artists who enter the segment. After presenting The Performers Act, played by film actors, now Gucci is presenting The Performers Act to celebrate the fashion line with the five entertainment figures.

The global ambassador and member of the EXO group, Kai, is the closing story of The Performers Act which is divided into five stories. After The Clementines, Ghali, Daniela Vega, Natasha Lyonne, Kai now enters a plot directed by Lucy Luscombe. Luscombe is a director for short films and is responsible for the script and direction for independent projects.

Through the short film The Performers, Kai is asked to travel through time and place in his life journey. The scene starts when Kai is doing a make up session for a shoot, when Kai is bombarded with questions by a questioner who plays the role of the narrator at the beginning of the film. Then, Kai was thrown into a time where he could see his father's life and development since the dancer in the EXO group grew to love the world of dancing.

The narrative in the video contains question after question that has been asked by the media crew. Like popular stars who don't have time, Kai is always ready to answer questions without looking at the questioner.

Kai started the story when he started watching people dancing on the television screen. Kai said his father was someone who wanted to become a painter. But because his parents opposed him, Kai's father gave up this ideal. After realizing that Kai has the talent and soul of dancing, Kai's father supports the decision - so that the Andante drama player can develop his career.

However, not everything went smoothly. Kai's mother just wants her child to focus on school. Kai admits he is not good enough with calculations but he claims to be good at it. Kai started putting school aside and took dance lessons. Hoping that the problem can be resolved quickly, his mother then asked Kai to find ice cream. When asked about this feeling, Kai said; "Some answers are not always heard, but felt."

Then the scene moved when Kai saw the figure of a child running in the middle of the meadow. On the other hand, someone is painting Kai in the middle of the meadow. That's where Kai starts dancing accompanied by the narrative; "A divided dream lives in a different world." This is addressed to the father who is dead.

Kai's love story for his family and his dancing life closes with a nod of Kai, a sign of satisfaction with what he has been doing all his life. This campaign video, which is a collaboration between Gucci, Vogue, and GQ, shows Kai's personal side but still strong in storytelling through the expressions produced by him. Meanwhile, Kai was announced to be the global ambassador for Gucci sunglasses.