Propam Raises MS's Unresponsive Report At Gambir Police

JAKARTA - The alleged victim of sexual violence and bullying at the KPI office with the initials MS returned to the Central Jakarta Metro Police. MS's presence this time was to fulfill the invitation from the Central Jakarta Metro Police Propam regarding his report at the Gambir Police which he said had not been followed up.

The statement was made by MS's attorney, Mehbob, after accompanying MS to undergo an examination at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters Propam.

"This is an internal problem for them (the police), a reporting problem at the Gambir Police. So we were asked about the minutes of the investigation at Propam to follow up on MS in 2019 and 2020 who reported at the Gambir Police what happened so that the Polsek did not follow up," said Mehbob, Monday. September 13.

Mehbob revealed, in the examination, MS explained clearly. MS, still said Mehbob, explained that at the time of reporting, he (MS) was directed by Gambir Police officers to report the case he had experienced to his superiors. MS, has also followed up on the advice from the Gambir Sector Police officer, said Mehbob.

"(After reporting) It turns out that they just moved rooms without any education from KPI. KPI should have a report like that, in addition to moving rooms, at least the reported party is given a warning or something," he said.

In 2020, MS reported again to the Gambir Police. Then, said Mehbob, Gambir Police directed MS to report to the Resort Police. This is because the case is said to be handled by the PPA unit, which is only available at the Resort Police. But, he admitted, MS did not carry out the directions from the Polsek officers.

"So it was actually directed at the Gambir Police. Because MS didn't know the law, technically, he finally went home. Actually, the Polsek gave directions," he said.

During the examination at Propam earlier, MS, said Mehbob, was asked about the reason the police officers did not receive their reports in 2019 and 2020.

He then corrected MS's previous statement that his report was not received by the Gambir Police. On the advice of the Gambir Police, MS then reported it to his superiors.

Unfortunately, MS's report was only followed up by moving MS' workspace to separate him from his co-worker who he said had sexually harassed him.

"(MS was asked) When she reported at the Gambir Sector Police, who handled it. Why did she not receive it. It's not that she didn't accept it. She (the police) said that because this is an internal matter (at KPI) try reporting it to your superiors and MS has already reported it. After reporting to the Head of the Division (MS's superior) they only moved rooms. That's what we regret a little," he said.

Mehbob, MS, said it should not only be moved to his office. However, there should be mitigation from KPIs. For example, given a warning or administrative sanctions. Because, said Mehbob, after moving rooms, the harassment case still happened.