New Google Workspace Features You Must Try, Make WFH Easier And Fun

YOGYAKARTA – The presence of a pandemic has changed many things. One of them is the growth of remote work systems -or also known as remote work. And in the midst of these conditions, Google Workspace is present as one of the collaboration platforms that many companies rely on.

Google Workspace is a platform that provides productivity services online. In it, there are various types of platforms that you can rely on. Starting from Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, Meet, and many more.

Now, the pandemic is starting to show symptoms nearing its end. Not a few companies are planning to implement a hybrid work system – a combination of WFH and WFO. And facing these conditions, Google does not stop in developing Workspace services.

As a result, the company has just rolled out a number of feature updates for its service. Here are 3 new features of Google Workspace that promise your convenience when working online.

Time Insights

When working remotely, many employees claim to have difficulty keeping track of work time. To overcome this, Google introduced the Time Insight feature in the Google Calendar service. This feature is used to track the amount of time you spend in each activity. Starting from meetings, working on projects, and so on.

The Time Insight feature also provides an analysis of time usage. Using this feature, remote workers can more easily manage their working time. However, this feature is only available on various Google Workspace services.

Formula Suggestions in Spreadsheet

The Google Sheets platform provides Excel-like data processing services. Like the platform developed by Microsoft, Spreadsheet is also equipped with various formulas that make it easier for users to process and analyze data.

Recently, Google added a new feature to its data processing platform. Namely in the form of a Formula recommendation feature. The function may look simple. But for those of you who actively use Sheets every day, of course you understand how valuable this feature is.

You see, this new Sheets feature allows users to save time while processing data. So, working time can be cut even more, right?

Echo Detection in Google Meet

Not infrequently, the experience during video conferencing using Google Meet is disrupted if the surrounding environment is too noisy. Makes the speaker's voice difficult to hear and understand other participants.

Meanwhile, to ensure that all participants can hear the speaker's voice clearly, it is important to reduce the ambient noise level. And previously, detecting and managing environmental noise during online meetings was a difficult problem to solve.

But, that was before, Now, Google has launched a new feature to overcome this. Google Meet can detect participants who are making noise in a video conference and then notify them.

In addition, there are also features that function to reduce noise levels. But still, the functionality of this feature is limited. If the noise of the surrounding environment is like you are standing on the edge of the highway, this new Google feature will certainly be difficult to overcome.

So, those are the three new features of Google Workspace that you can use. By taking advantage of the three features above, it is guaranteed that your remote work will be easier and more enjoyable.