Santri Covers Their Ears When Listening To Viral Music, Denny Siregar: If I Was An Officer, I'd Directly Set Metallica!

JAKARTA - The video uploaded by social media activist Denny Siregar about students who compactly cover their ears while listening to music on his Instagram page, @dennysiregar gets a lot of attention from netizens.
In the 0.20 second video, the students can be seen sitting and queuing for the vaccine. While sitting, there is music playing. In essence, the students in the video sat neatly on the bench that had been prepared in such a way.
When seated, the students immediately covered their ears when the music started playing. "Masha Allah, our students are queuing for vaccines," said a man's voice, presumably the teacher.
"Qodratullah, music is playing at the vaccine area. You can see if our students are covering their ears so they don't listen to this music," said the man again.
"Bless you," he said.
In the video description, Denny said that if he was an officer, he would immediately play Metallica's rock song. "If I'm the officer, I'll immediately send them Metaliica. Exit light...enter now..." said Denny, quoted on Monday, September 13 evening.
Denny's upload got the attention of netizens. Until this news was revealed, there had been 282,796 people watching. One of the responses came from the @seroja_Hafiedz account.
"Less to challenge the temptation ... Try again using dangdut koplo," wrote the blue ticked account.
"without knowing it, they have been formed into a generation that is vulnerable & reactive to distractions, because they are used to not accepting the reality that exists.. it makes them easy to drool when they see people eating while fasting, and worry that their minds are easily irritated when they see the opposite sex in slightly revealing clothes. .. a vulnerable generation.. poor," wrote @iwaktherockfish