Intuitive Parenting, Parenting Trends That Make Your Little One Smarter
JAKARTA - In modern times like today, information is very easy to get. One of them is information related to parenting or parenting. Information that is easily obtained is the hope of parents to educate their children as well as possible. However, excessive information can also make parents confused about what parenting style to choose or which is suitable to be applied to their children.
There are parents who are worried about whether the parenting is appropriate or not. In fact, it is not uncommon for people to feel guilty because they feel they are not able to provide good parenting. This stress, anxiety and guilt are motivated by the desire of parents to provide the best for their children.
Therefore, Child Psychologist Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo, S.Psi., summarizing HerStory, Monday, September 13, explained that Intuitive Parenting or IP (intuitive parenting) is one of the parenting styles that can be tried. IP is a parenting approach where parents rely more on what they think is good for their child by holding the following principles:
Make children more confident, intelligent and emotionally healthy.
Parents become more confident in their inner parenting voice. Give full attention to the child. Respond intuitively & naturally, as is the normal response as a parent. Following the child, in the sense of adjusting parenting to the child's age, temperament, level of knowledge and child's brain development. IP parents know that no one method can solve all problems; Every child is unique, so they need a different approach. IP parents are not in a hurry to want their children to achieve beyond their age. All abilities have their time. IP's parents, apart from being a main caregiver, are also partners for their children's growth and development. IP parents realize that children need exploration, try and make mistakes in their learning process.To undergo IP parenting, the following are things that parents must pay attention to:
Commitment of energy and time to recognize children Know & understand the developmental milestones or milestones of children. Good emotion regulationThe purpose of IP is in addition to developing intelligence, it also develops 3 main characters in children: self-confidence, resilience or toughness and persistence or persistence.