5 Natural Ingredients That Can Get Rid Of Acne Scars Quickly

JAKARTA - Acne has always been a skin problem that will never end to be discussed. In addition to disturbing appearance, acne also makes a person's self-confidence decrease. As time goes by, there are many ways to treat acne.

However, after the acne is successfully resolved, the problems do not stop there. There are still acne scars to deal with. One way to get rid of acne scars naturally is to use selected ingredients as masks.

Well, the following natural ingredients can be used as an option to get rid of stubborn acne scars!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is not only able to moisturize the skin but can also disguise black spots and acne scars. Aloe vera contains aloesin which can inhibit the formation of melanin.

Use the aloe vera plant, then take the flesh or gel and use it as a face mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes so that it is well absorbed, then rinse with water. Do it regularly.


Not only does it contain vitamin C which can brighten the face and fade dark spots. Lemon also contains AHA which can revitalize facial skin.

Apply lemon juice and let sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing with water. It's best to apply moisturizer after, because lemon has the effect of removing facial oil.


Cucumber can be used as a natural mask to remove acne scars. This is because cucumber contains vitamins A, C, and magnesium which are able to hydrate the face while eliminating redness on the face due to acne.

Simply slice thin cucumbers, then place the slices all over your face for 30 minutes. Acne scars disappear, the face becomes fresher.


The next way to get rid of acne scars is to use honey. It is no secret that honey has a myriad of health and beauty benefits.

To remove acne scars. Apply honey on the face, then massage in circular motions and leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Make sure the honey used is organic or real honey.


Besides being good for consumption, tomatoes are also useful as a face mask. Not only able to disguise and remove acne scars, tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, and lycopene to tighten the skin.

Just stick the tomato slices on the face. Or you can also smooth it and use it as a mask.

Egg whites

If your acne scars are in the form of scar tissue or pockmarks, then egg whites can be the solution. Just apply the egg white on the problematic part of the face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Make sure when using egg whites don't move too much so the egg whites don't crack.