Nadiem's Rp6.5 Billion Workspace Renovation Plan Question: Will It Add Value?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Technology (Kemendikbudristek) under the command of Nadiem Makarim will renovate the building with a budget of Rp6.5 billion.

The House of Representatives Commission X, Syaiful Huda, asked that the renovation be postponed. The reason, because the building is still fit for use. The buildings that will be renovated are Nadiem Makarim's office, and the meeting room of Building A.

Furthermore, Huda said, the renovation of the workspace and meeting room of building A is not an urgent or urgent thing to do at this time. According to him, the Kemendikbudristek Office can still be used even though it has not been renovated. According to him, Kemendikbudristek should make budget savings.

"I don't think it's necessary. I don't think it's urgent. As far as I know the ministry office is still quite suitable for use even though it hasn't been renovated for a long time. Because it's not urgent, it's not necessary and I agree that the spirit is saving. If it's not contractual, I think it's just cancelled," he told reporters, quoted on Sunday, September 12.

Contacted separately, Deputy Chairman of Commission X Hetifah Sjaifudian questioned whether the policy to renovate buildings is indeed very urgent to be carried out at this time. He also questioned whether the current condition of the building was damaged and dangerous.

"Will (building renovations) add value to productivity?" said Hetifah, to VOI.

According to him, if the policy has been planned and becomes a priority, it can be carried out. However, provided that it does not violate the law. Even so, he said, in this difficult situation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education and Culture needs to ensure the principle of decency.

"As I have said in several meetings with the Ministry of Education and Culture, in the era of the pandemic, the principles of decency and partiality should be put forward," he said. For your information, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Technology plans to renovate the workspace of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim. The total renovation costs incurred were more than IDR 6.5 billion.

This was revealed from from the site, it was stated that the arrangement of the workspace and meeting room in building A. The package ceiling value was IDR 6,500,000,000 and the Self Estimated Price Value (HPS) reached IDR 5,391,8858,505. The work unit in this case is the general bureau and the procurement of goods and services.