3 Reza Artamevia's Day Outpouring To Maia Estianty After Leaving Prison

Reza Artamevia was released on 17 July. However, Reza still refrains from reporting. Reza finally spoke with Maia Estianty on Maia AleldulTV's YouTube channel, September 9.

There are many things that Reza said to Maia. Here, VOI summarizes three of Reza Atamedia's outpourings to Maia.

1. Learn Lessons

Although it sounds cliché and standard for someone who has just finished serving his sentence in prison, Reza admits that he has learned a number of lessons from his life journey. Moreover, this is not the only time Reza has been involved in a drug abuse case.

In his first drug case, Reza Artamevia had to undergo outpatient rehabilitation eight times at the NTB BNNP Office. The second one, Reza ended up with 10 months in prison, minus the rehabilitation period.

"Still, everything is number one, Allah, the two families. The third is that we must not be ashamed, we must have the courage to admit our mistakes and change ourselves," said Reza Artamevia, quoted on Saturday, September 11.

"At that moment I felt extraordinary support from my family, children, parents, younger siblings. From their environment, it turned out that they were really so proud to accept my situation," added Reza Artamevia.

2. Farewell to Adjie Massaid

Even though it's an old story, Reza still remembers Adjie Massaid. He emphasized that Reza and Adjie's separation was not due to a third person.

"We split up not because of a third person, there is no third party business, either from Mas Adjie or from me. Nothing. So it just doesn't fit," said Reza Artamevia.

Their divorce had become the center of the news because Reza could not see his two daughters for six months. However, he finally gave up the custody of his two daughters to Adjie Massaid. According to him, a very good father figure so he is not worried about his children living with his ex-husband.

3. Get on well with Angelina Sondakh

Reza Artamevia said his relationship with Angelina Sondakh was fine. Reza Artamevia is close to Keanu, son of Angelina Sondakh from his marriage to Adjie Massaid, Keanu Massaid.

“A week ago we met, because Zahwa was going to New York. So we meet, eat. He calls me Ibre alias Reza's mother," said Reza Artamevia.

"I'm with Angie, I've never really had a problem with her. But what is called the media or whatever, always wants to carry around," said Reza Artamevia.