The Journey Of The President Of Brazil, Before And After Being Tested Positive For COVID-19

JAKARTA - Brazilian President Jair Bolosnaro is positive for COVID-19. Bolsonaro caught COVID-19 after months of thinking it was just a mild flu. He also issued a policy of opening up the economy during the pandemic and replacing his minister of health, who was a doctor.

After testing positive, the government will carry out contact tracing and COVID-19 testing for those who met Bolsonaro in the past few days, according to Reuters on Wednesday. These include Economy Minister Paulo Guedes, lender Banco Bradesco, Chairman Luiz Carlos Trabuco, and planner Embraer (EMBR3.SA) CEO Francisco Gomes Neto.

Guedes, meanwhile, has no symptoms associated with the virus after he tested negative last week. However, he will be back for testing in the next 4 days.

Over the weekend, Bolsonaro also made close contact with United States Ambassador (US) Todd Chapman during the July 4 celebrations. In the photo circulating, no one is wearing a mask.

Before testing positive for COVID-19, Bolsonaro gave a statement to reporters at his official residence. He stood just inches from the reporters. That has added to criticism of his arrogant approach to the outbreak in Brazil, which is the worst in the world outside the US.

Even as he announced he had COVID-19, the 65-year-old former army captain ignored the dangers of the virus and praised unproven treatments. He echoes his political role model, US President Donald Trump, for the medications he takes.

"If it weren't for the test, I wouldn't know the result. The result is positive," Bolsonaro said via television. He also added that he started feeling sick on Sunday 5 July and got worse on Monday 6 June. , and exhaustion.

Bolsonaro admits to taking hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug with no proven effectiveness against COVID-19. The drug has won praise from Trump and some of his supporters and pro-government factions in Brazil as a potential drug.

Finishing the three-channel TV broadcast, Bolsonaro stepped back and took off his mask, to develop a smile saying "look at my face, I'm fine and I'm calm."

Bolsonaro also released a video showing him sitting at a table and swallowing medicine. Bolsonaro said that the drug is hydroxychloroquine.

Bolsonaro, like Trump, has lashed out at experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) and voiced skepticism about the virus's virulence. The Brazilian leader reiterated that the risks of COVID-19 were exaggerated and most Brazilians need not worry.

"Rest assured that a more serious chance is close to zero," he said.

He regularly appears in public without wearing a mask. Bolsonaro also vetoed a section of the bill that makes wearing masks mandatory in public places. His veto eliminated the obligation to wear masks in closed places such as churches, factories and teaching and learning locations.