JCI Closed Wednesday, Increasing 1.79 Percent To 5076.17 Level

JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) closed higher on Wednesday, July 8 trading. JCI closed significantly higher 1.79 percent or 89.09 points to the level of 5.076.17.

Closing the trade, 221 stocks rose, 174 stocks fell, and 174 stocks remained unchanged. Trading volume, recorded 9.78 billion shares and worth 9.16 trillion transactions.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst, M. Nafan Aji Gustama, said that the market highly appreciates the increase in Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves as of June to 131.7 billion US dollars from 130.5 billion US dollars previously.

"On the other hand, the market also appreciates the role of the government in providing a stimulus for credit distribution of Rp 30 trillion which is included in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program to encourage the real sector," Nafan told VOI.

This afternoon, stocks that were among the top gainers, including PT Putra Rajawali Kencana Tbk (PURA) which rose 23.68 percent to IDR141, PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Tbk (INKP) which rose 13.48 percent to IDR7. .575, and PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (DMAS) which strengthened 9.70 percent to IDR181.

Meanwhile, stocks that are in the top losers ranks, including PT Megalestari Epack Sentosaraya Tbk (EPAC) which weakened 5.22 percent to Rp254, PT Repower Asia Indonesia Tbk (REAL) which fell 3.70 percent to Rp52, and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk (AGRO), which weakened 3.31 percent to IDR146.