Antemortem Data For Victims Of The Tangerang Prison Tragedy Fire Incomplete, Constrained By Distance And Communication

JAKARTA - The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team noted that there are still five families of victims who have not included antemortem data to identify the bodies of victims of the deadly fire at the Class I prison in Tangerang. Two of them are families of foreign nationals (foreigners).
"So, of the five families who have not attended. Two are foreigners, but the team has found antemortem data based on data from the Tangerang prison level one," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Friday, September 10.
As for the other three, continued Rusdi, the victim's family resides outside Jakarta. So it still takes time.
However, to obtain the antemortem data, the DVI team has coordinated with the Tangerang Class I Prison. From the results of the coordination, the next steps will be carried out.
"The DVI team always coordinates with the Tangerang prison on how to bring in three of the victims' families who have not provided antemortem data," said Rusdi.
"So the data can be complete and make it easier for the DVI team to complete this identification task," he continued.
Previously, the DVI team managed to identify the bodies of four prisoners who were victims of the deadly fire at the Class I prison in Tangerang. Thus, currently 5 prisoners have been identified.
The four inmates are Dian Adi Priyana (44), Kusnadi bin Rauf (44), Bustamil Arifin bin Arwani (50), and Alfin bin Marsum (23). They were identified by fingerprints.
Meanwhile, the body of another inmate is Rudi bin Ong Eng Cue. The body can be identified based on fingerprints and medical records. Where, the fingerprints were matched with the data listed at the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil).