Calling Megawati Smiling Beautifully Overcoming Sick Issues, PDIP: If There Is Slander We Pray We Repent

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto, confirmed the condition of General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri in a healthy and fit condition. Even the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, called Hasto, looked beautiful when he smiled at the opening of the PDIP Intermediate Cadre Education TOT.

"This is Ms. Megawati, all of you are in good health and well-being. You are smiling so beautiful, it gives us all enthusiasm," said Hasto.

Hasto emphasized that the news that Megawati was being treated in the ICU was a hoax or hoax. He also called for the hoax maker to stop making fake news.

"It's better to contribute to helping the government overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. Opening public kitchens is better and more appreciated by the people than making hoaxes," said Hasto.

Hasto said that in a liberal democracy, without any facts, hoaxes are often thrown without anyone being held accountable. His party, he said, is not used to using hoax strategies.

Because for PDIP, he continued, politics must be full of civilization, divine values, humanity, nationality, and social justice. Hoaxes are considered as activities that are contrary to the values contained in Pancasila.

"If there is such slander, we do not retaliate, we just pray, hopefully those who slander will repent. Once again building politics with positive energy. The proof is that so many issues are given, but the people are still with the PDI-P and that is the spirit instilled by Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri," said Hasto.

What is clear, added Hasto, is that slander will not stop the PDI-P's determination to always provide positive energy for the nation so that together we take concrete steps to build the nation and state.

"We suggest, instead of making hoaxes, we help the government by vaccination, by mutual cooperation, by opening public kitchens, surely God Almighty will bless us," said Hasto.

Meanwhile, PDIP DPP Chairman Eriko Sotarduga, who was present to accompany Megawati at her residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta, testified that the hoax that was spread about Megawati's critical condition and being treated at the Jakarta Hospital was false information.

"Long live, healthy and happy for the general chairman, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri," said Eriko while accompanying Megawati.