Indonesia's Richest Green Energy Potential, Its Utilization Is Not Maximum

JAKARTA – Indonesia compared to other countries has the richest green and renewable energy potential. From water, sunlight, geothermal, biomass, wind, waves, and so on are owned by Indonesia. In other countries, said Surya Dharma, Chairman of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI), not all have them, there are only one or two.

However, he said, this rich potential has not been fully utilized for the prosperity of the people. "Indonesia is one of the few countries that has complete new and renewable energy. We have all the potential of renewable energy, there is water, geothermal, solar, wind, biomass, and sea. We have all six renewable energy clusters," said Surya Dharma when contacted by VOI, Thursday, September 9.

This potential is a shame if it is not utilized. Other energy sources such as oil and coal only exist in certain areas. Not all areas have. "And this energy sourced from fossils will run out if it continues to be exploited," he said.

Rivers are a potential that can be utilized for green energy. (Special)

Green and renewable energy, Surya continued, could actually be the foundation for the future. The advantages of this energy will not run out even though it is continuously exploited and used for the benefit of power generation. "The government must have a policy to optimize the potential of this new and renewable energy," he said.


In Surya's view, President Jokowi's intention to utilize new and renewable energy is good. It's just that the implementation is still not significant.

Moreover, regulations to support renewable energy are inadequate. "Therefore, we propose to the President, what he has programmed must be in line with careful planning and implementation strategies, and supported by good regulations," he said.

Economic growth and energy must be in line, especially green and renewable energy. “New breakthroughs must be made so that Indonesia is the largest from a country that is predicated as a middle income trap. Even if you are not careful, Indonesia is not increasing but sinking. This is something to watch out for,” he continued.

What must be done is to create new economic and industrial zones. “Creating a new economic and industrial area, don't think about it in Karawang, Karawaci or other areas of Java. Because the source of energy does not exist. In the end, they will use fossil energy again. If you want to create an area that is close to an area that has renewable energy," he said.

Hydropower Dam PT. Kayan Hydro Energy is expected to support green economic growth in Kaltara. (Special)

He gave an example of what will be opened around the Kayan river, North Kalimantan. “The one in Kayan is good, there is great water potential and an economic and industrial area has also been created there. This is good for equitable distribution of economic growth in all corners of Indonesia,” he said while hoping that the same pattern could be applied in other areas.

As previously reported by VOI PT. Kayan Hydro Energy is currently preparing to build a dam on the Kayan river, North Kalimantan. The electricity generated from this hydropower plant will be distributed to industrial areas that will be formed downstream and also other areas, even to the new state capital area which is being opened by North Penajam Paser. "So the electrical energy produced is distributed in existing industrial areas and surrounding areas," he said.

So Surya Dharma said that the exploitation and utilization of green energy can be right on target and optimally.