Medan DPRD Special Committee Asks Bobby Nasution To Ensure No More Evictions Of PKL

MEDAN - The chairman of the Special Committee for Street Vendors (PKL) of the Medan City DPRD, Hendri Duin Sembiring, asked Mayor Bobby Nasution to ensure that there will be no more evictions of street vendors.

"The eviction of street vendors is detrimental to traders and the government. Since there is a regional regulation, then a persuasive arrangement must be carried out," explained Hendri in Medan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 9.

He asked the Medan City Government to place street vendors in one location according to the type of merchandise, and arrange it as well as possible so that it becomes a tourist location.

The Medan City Government led by Bobby Nasution must also be able to empower street vendors to improve the people's economy, because they already have regulations that guarantee legal certainty.

For information, earlier this week, his party held a meeting to discuss the Raperda on the Determination of Zoning for PKL Activities to bring stakeholders within the Medan City Government.

This Renperda consists of XIV Chapters and 31 Articles to overcome the problems of urban planning and empowerment of street vendors by dividing three zoning, namely red, yellow and green.

"We also want to see other areas that have successfully implemented the PKL Perda, such as Bekasi and Padang in order to maximize the discussion of the regional regulation," explained Hendri.