For Ganjar Pranowo's Wife, Exercise Is Not Just For Health: It's A Me Time Event

JAKARTA - Atikoh Ganjar Pranowo invites all residents of Central Java to regularly do sports. For the Chair of the Central Java Province PKK Mobilization Team, exercising is not just to improve mental and physical health.

This was said by the wife of Ganjar Pranowo when celebrating the 38th Haornas (National Sports Day), in Semarang Regency, Thursday, September 9.

According to Atikoh, exercise is not just a tiring physical activity. Research has shown that exercise is also beneficial for mental health. Scientifically, exercise stimulates serotonin and endorphins which make the body more relaxed, and the mood happy.

"The benefits of exercise are good, in addition to health, it is also a place for me time. Because based on research, exercise reduces depression levels. So, mentally and physically healthy," said Atikoh.

Atikoh also left a message to Central Java athletes who will compete in the 2021 PON XX event, in Papua. At the national sporting event, Central Java participated in 39 sports with a contingent of 651 people.

In addition to the XX PON event, in November 2021, Central Java will also compete at the National Paralympic Week (Peparnas). In the event which was also held in Papua, Central Java sent 304 athletes and officials.

“At PON XX, the hope is that the Central Java contingent can give the best performance. This event is also a way to reach a higher level, such as the Olympics or the ASEAN Games," said Atikoh.

Atikoh advised that the spirit of Haornas Central Java, which took the theme "Central Java is Tough", could be absorbed by the community. He wants sport to be part of the identity of its citizens.

"The name is also sport, we must be sporty. Sport is also an event to strengthen the brotherhood of athletes in Indonesia," concluded Atikoh as reported by the Central Java Diskominfo.