9,705 North Sumatrans Participate In COVID-19 Vaccination Independent Police

MEDAN - A total of 9,705 residents of North Sumatra took part in Phase I of the Merdeka Police's COVID-19 vaccination in regencies/cities in North Sumatra.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that the areas that carried out the vaccination were Medan City as many as 3,800 people and Deli Serdang Regency 1,646 people.

Then Langkat Regency as many as 441 people, Labuhanbatu Regency 3,116 people and Nias Regency as many as 702 people.

"The Independent Police's COVID-19 vaccination will be held simultaneously in North Sumatra on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, targeting Islamic boarding schools, houses of worship, and universities," he said in Medan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 9.

Hadi said that the National Police's Independent Vaccination was an effort to accelerate national health recovery, to establish herd immunity for community groups and to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

He appealed to all people, even though they have been vaccinated, to always pay attention to the implementation of health protocols (prokes) when they are anywhere.

"If the community has been vaccinated, it is expected that they will continue to apply the health procedures," he said.

The North Sumatra Police Chief thanked all those who fully supported the vaccination activity.

With the implementation of the vaccination, it can help the government accelerate the implementation of vaccinations in Indonesia because this is one of the efforts to prevent COVID-19.