It Takes Commitment, Consider These 5 Things Before Buying Many Ornamental Plants At One Time

JAKARTA – Caring for ornamental plants is like maintaining the life of living things. If you do not have a commitment, the need for plant care will not be guaranteed fertility. This means that before buying many ornamental plants at one time, consider how to properly care for them.

Also consider the following 5 things related to your commitment to caring for ornamental plants at home.

1. Situation where you live

Plants need adaptation when moving from one place to another. When buying, first consider all situations in your home. Like whether the one-house family supports her care too, pets, and plant placement.

2. Humidity level

Each type of plant has the ability to grow at a certain humidity. For example, neither calathea nor aglonema will thrive in low humidity. But it will turn yellow and wilt if placed in high humidity.

This means, you need to research each plant that will be treated. What needs and how to treat it properly.

3. Sun exposure

Before 'hungry eyes' and choose a lot of plants to decorate the house, first check where to put. Whether outdoors in direct sunlight or in the shade.

4. For beginners, choose the right ornamental plants

Still related to commitment, ornamental plants that are easy to care for can form a light responsibility first. For example, routinely watering every two days in the rainy season with the mother-in-law's tongue plant. Or watering once a day in the dry season for leafy plant species such as philodendron.

5. Planting media and pots with good drainage

Starting from the use of planting media to choosing a pot with proper drainage, need to be considered. Because, these two things are important for growing plants. If the pot drainage is poor, the roots of the plant may rot or, conversely, dry out.

While the planting medium, each plant has different habits in its life path. Like plants placed indoors, they need a type of planting medium that is porous and has good water absorption.

In addition to the five considerations mentioned above, under certain conditions plants need to be replaced with planting media, given fertilizer, or repotting.

Have the points above been your consideration when deciding to buy unique, beautiful, or exotic ornamental plants?