The Green Zone Area In Indonesia Has Increased To 104 Regions

JAKARTA - The Expert Team for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 announced an update of data on regional zoning mapping in 514 city districts throughout Indonesia as of 5 July 2020.

Currently, the areas that are included in the green zone have increased to 104 districts / cities, from 99 regions last week. In detail, there are 61 green zones categorized as areas that were not affected by the COVID-19 case from the start and 43 city districts that did not have new cases for 4 weeks.

"From the end of May 2020 to the last 5 July 2020, we see that the number of green zones has increased by 20.2 percent of all city districts," said Dewi Nur Aisyah, a member of the Expert Team for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Tuesday, July 7.

"This is an area in Indonesia that we must protect so that the area is not affected by the COVID-19 infection and is always in a healthy condition," he continued.

In addition, there are 175 city districts with a low risk of contracting COVID-19, 180 city districts with moderate risk, and 55 city districts with high risk.

"The yellow low risk zone is 34 percent, the medium risk zone is 35 percent, and the high risk zone is 10.7 percent of all urban districts in Indonesia," said Dewi.

Dewi continued, regional zoning changes are moving dynamically, because the curve of new COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is still fluctuating. This is why the 10 city districts that have succeeded in changing from a low risk zone into the green zone, namely there are no new cases this week.

In addition, there are also regional zoning movements from low risk to medium risk, totaling 38 districts / cities. Then, there are 36 urban districts from moderate risk to low risk. Then, there are 17 city districts from high risk to moderate risk.

Below is a list of regional zoning movements as of July 5

17 municipalities from the high risk zone fell to the medium risk zone:

Bali-Bangli-Karangasem Province

Banten Province-City of South Tangerang

South Kalimantan Province-Kotabaru

East Kalimantan Province

-City of Balikpapan

North Sulawesi Province-Manado City

Maluku Province-Ambon City

North Maluku Province-North Halmahera-Kota Tidore Islands

West Nusa Tenggara Province-Mataram City

Papua-Jayapura Province

Province of South Sulawesi-Soppeng-city of Parepare

North Sumatra Province-Kota Pematang Siantar-Kota Tebing Tinggi

DKI Jakarta-East Jakarta Province

East Java-Pasuruan Province

The 36 municipalities from the moderate risk zone fall to the low risk zone:

West Java-Bogor-Cirebon-West Bandung-Sukabumi City

Central Java Province -Klaten

East Java Province -Pacitan

West Kalimantan-Sekadau -Melalwi -Kota Pontianak-Kubu Raya

East Kalimantan-West Kutai Province

North Kalimantan Province -Tarakan City

Maluku Province -Buru -Seram West Part -Maluku Southwest -Tual City

North Maluku Province - South Halmahera - Morotai Island

North Sumatra-Dairi Province

West Nusa Tenggara Province-Central Lombok

East Nusa Tenggara Province - Kupang City

Papua Province - Biak Numfor- Boven Digoel

Riau Province - Indragiri Hilir - Pelalawan - Pekanbaru City - Dumai City

Yogyakarta Special Region Province -Sleman

South Sulawesi Province -Pinrang

Central Sulawesi Province - Buol-Morowali

North Sulawesi Province-Kotamobagu City

West Sumatra-Agam-Pasaman-Selatan Province

South Sumatra Province-Prabumulih City

10 municipalities from the low risk zone fell to the green zone:

Jambi Province -Merangin-Tanjung Jabung Timur

West Kalimantan province -Kapuas Hulu -Kayong Utara

Lampung province - Offers

Nusa Tenggara Timur-Flores Timur Province

West Sumatra Province-Fifty Cities-West Pasaman

South Sumatra province -Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan-Musi Rawas Utara