Jeff Bezos Vs Elon Musk Feud Continues To Heat Up, Here's Why

JAKARTA – The feud between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk is heating up. This comes after Bezos-owned Inc reported to US regulators on Wednesday September 8 that Musk does not believe government regulations apply to the billionaires who head Tesla Inc and SpaceX, as the two companies debate plans to compete for satellite-based internet.

Amazon also accused Musk of ignoring various government-imposed rules, including some Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements.

"Whether it's launching a satellite with an antenna without a permit, launching a rocket without approval, building an unapproved launch tower, or reopening a factory in violation of on-site protection orders, the behavior of SpaceX and other Musk-led companies makes them look innocent: rules are for people." others, and those who insist or even simply demand obedience deserve derision and ad hominem attacks," Amazon wrote. "If the FCC regulates the hypocrisy, SpaceX will keep the commission very busy."

Both SpaceX and Tesla did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Reuters on Wednesday. The FCC and FAA declined to comment.

Amazon's Project Kuiper, a planned $10 billion network of more than 3,000 satellites that will provide high-speed internet from space, faces stiff competition from SpaceX's Starlink network.

Amazon founders Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are rivals in the private space launch business. Bezos' Blue Origin has challenged the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's decision to award SpaceX a $2.9 billion lunar lander contract.

Amazon on Aug. 25 asked the FCC to reject SpaceX's proposed revision of its satellite configuration plan, saying it was against FCC rules and left "almost every major detail unresolved."

Last week, SpaceX hit back at accusing Amazon in its own filing with the FCC of seeking to delay SpaceX's plans, saying it was "just the latest in its ongoing efforts to slow competition."

SpaceX added: "While SpaceX has continued to deploy more than 1,700 satellites, Amazon hasn't even tried to address the radio frequency interference and orbital debris issues that must be resolved before Amazon can deploy its constellations."

SpaceX suggests Amazon "because it lags behind competitors ... is more than willing to use regulatory and legal processes to create barriers designed to delay those competitors from leaving Amazon further behind."

Amazon countered that "SpaceX has only one name for any private company that dares to expose its laws and regulations: 'anti-competition.'"