PTPP Commissioner Makes Working Visit To A Rp874 Billion Project In Banten While Handing Vaccine Carrier To The Local Police

JAKARTA - State-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) handed over the assistance of 25 units of Vaccine Carrier to the Banten Provincial Police (Polda Banten). The activity was held on Wednesday 8 September at the Banten Police, Serang, Banten Province.

The delivery of the Vaccine Carrier was symbolically handed over by Andi Gani Nena Wea as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PTPP to the Head of the Banten Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Kapolda Banten) Inspector General Pol Rudy Heriyanto.

After providing CSR to the Banten Police, the Board of Commissioners of PTPP paid a working visit to the Banten Stadium Project located in Pabuaran District, Serang, Banten. The working visit was also attended by the ranks of the Board of Commissioners of PTPP, namely: Andi Gani Nena Wea as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner, Nur Rochmad as Independent Commissioner, and Loso Judiajanto as Commissioner accompanied by the Directors and Management of PTPP, namely Anton Satyo Hendriatmo as Director of Operations Division Gedung, and Yuyus Juarsa as PTPP's SVP Corporate Secretary.

Besides being attended by the management of PTPP, the visit was also accompanied by the Banten Police. The stadium construction project in the Sport Center Banten area has a contract value of IDR874 billion which has been carried out since July 2020.

The project will be targeted to be completed as planned. The scope of the project work includes: preparatory work, structural work, architectural work, and mechanical, electrical and plumbing work. As of early September 2021, the overall progress of the Banten Stadium construction has reached 69.51 percent, which is faster than the planned 67.96 percent.

The main structural work for the construction of the stadium has reached 100 percent. The Banten Stadium construction project implemented several innovations in its construction, such as: special methods for system inclined beam work, onsite tribune precast, double inclined column, suspended beam formwork, ladder precast.

In addition, other innovations carried out by the project are making a sample museum & gallery, QHSE training center, and QHSE knowledge center. The Banten Stadium project also continuously carries out various CSR programs to the community and pays attention to the environment around the project.

On this occasion, PTPP Management also explained about the progress of the construction of the Banten Regional Hospital which is located in Banjarsari, Serang, Banten. Currently, the progress of the construction of the Banten Regional Hospital has reached 36.02 percent, which is faster than the planned 13.63 percent.

The project, which has a contract value of Rp.241 billion, will be implemented for 224 calendar days and will be completed as targeted. The scope of work for this project consists of: structural work, architectural work, interior work, and mechanical electrical & plumbing work.

Andi Gani Nena Wea appreciates that the two projects carried out by PTPP in Banten have progressed well, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also hopes that the two strategic projects can be completed in accordance with the targeted time.

"We also hope that this project can be a good example for other projects and can continue to increase innovation in every project development process. Even though the construction of this project is taking place in the midst of a pandemic, we urge the management and project workers to always carry out and strictly adhere to the COVID-19 health protocol in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines," said Andi Gani Wea in a written statement.

"Don't forget that the project team continues to maintain quality, remain disciplined, and improve QHSE performance in every activity. PTPP is a company that continues to maintain its performance where in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic PTPP can still make profits," he added.

Meanwhile, Banten Police Chief Inspector General Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho expressed his gratitude to PT PP (Persero) Tbk. The Banten Police Chief admitted that the assistance greatly helped the Banten Police in handling COVID.

"This assistance is very useful for us, especially at this time the Banten Police are incessantly carrying out vaccinations to areas," said the Banten Police Chief.