Mother's Screams Seeing Her Son In Body Bags, Adds To Tens Of Families Of Fire Victims At The Police Hospital

JAKARTA - Angel could not hold back her tears when she came to the Forensic building of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta. At that time, the police officers and the DVI team were unloading the body bag, Angel broke through the police line.

While screaming, Angel tried to get closer to the ambulance carrying the body of her child named Fitra Eka (20). However, the police swiftly pulled Angel so as not to approach the hearse.

Finally, the victim's family was told to wait at the Ante Mortem Post which is outside the morgue.

Angel admitted that in January 2022, his son will be released from the Tangerang Class I Prison. This is because his son gets a cut in his term of imprisonment because he behaves well while in prison.

"He will come out in January because he will be in remission, the block caught fire at 02.00 WIB, he was locked in his room so he couldn't come out," said Angel at the Police Hospital, Wednesday, September 8.

Angel received information from his son's fellow inmates, that his son was locked in a room and could not escape.

Angel and her daughter came to the Police Hospital to do a DNA test with evidence to be submitted to the DVI team.

"Currently we are still in shock, the family asks the police to provide as clear a statement as possible to the victim's family," he said.

Previously, as many as 41 bodies of victims of the Class I prison fire in Tangerang, Banten arrived at the Police Hospital at around 14.17 WIB.

Dozens of bodies were taken using seven hearses including three belonging to the DVI Polri and four belonging to the government. The Forensic Team will work to identify victims of Tangerang prison inmates.