After Meeting Ganjar, Hartopo Regent Asks OPD In Kudus To Avoid Cunning Tricks To Accept Gratification

KUDUS - The Regent of Kudus, Central Java (Central Java), Hartopo reminded all leaders of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and their staff not to accept gratuities or fees from any projects.

Hartopo conveyed this after attending a zoom meeting with the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo on the fourth floor of the Kudus Secretariat Building, Wednesday, September 7.

"This was conveyed by the Governor of Central Java in a coordination meeting to eradicate corruption following the arrest of a regional head by the Corruption Eradication Commission related to allegations of corruption," Hartopo said as quoted by Antara.

OPD is also asked not to do certain tricks or tricks in order to smoothly receive fees or gratuities. Whatever the form, the act is included in corruption.

He also hopes that the budget planning will also be clear as an anticipation of corruption. This must be created from the head of the region to the lowest ranks.

"There should not be turmoil within the OPD environment so that it must be linear. We also ask that there should not be a gap in the OPD's internal environment. When problems arise, they must be resolved properly," he said.

Within the OPD, according to the Regent, sometimes there is a gap between those who are brave, half brave, and not brave.

"In order to advance the region, we must create cohesiveness and synergize with each other," he emphasized.

In order to create a conducive and synergistic situation in each OPD, the Regent asked the regional secretary to provide guidance related to prevention coordination and supervision (korsupgah) to oversee the government in the OPD ranks.

"The most important thing is to create harmony in each OPD. Synergize well and do not let slander occur because the impression is not good and not conducive. Later it will provoke many people to maneuver in regional politics," he said.