The Tattoo On Amanda Manopo's Waist Poking Makes Netizens Curious

JAKARTA - Actress Amanda Manopo always manages to attract the attention of netizens. Recently, he uploaded a photo on his Instagram.

This photo looks normal at first glance where Amanda shows her skincare products facing back. However, the netizens got the wrong focus because they saw a tattoo that was visible at a glance at the waist.

This upload was immediately enlivened by netizens. They just found out Amanda has a tattoo on her body. Because it looks a little bit, they are curious about what pictures are used as tattoos by Amanda.

"Salfok is the same as the tattoo," commented a netizen who was liked by 244 other users.

"W just found out that Manda has a tattoo," said another.

"Just found out you have a tattoo," said an Instagram user.

"Nice tattoo," reads another comment.

Looking at her Instagram account, Amanda Manopo rarely uploads back photos, so it's only natural that the tattoo on her waist immediately shocked fans.