Police Examine 8 Witnesses Of Violation Of The Tulungagung DPRD Member Prokes Performing Wayang Kulit

TULUNGAGUNG - The police have examined eight witnesses in a case of violation of health protocols by a member of the DPRD Tulungagung, East Java, with the initials BSR who was desperate to hold a shadow puppet show (puppet) when the PPKM level 4 status was determined.

"This case is still ongoing because there is also jurisprudence in the case of an individual village head in Rejotangan District who was convicted of holding a child's birthday party during PSBB (large-scale social restrictions) last year," said Head of the Pidsus Satreskrim Polres Tulungagung Iptu Didik Riyanto as quoted by Antara. , Tuesday, September 7th.

The eight witnesses who have been examined include puppeteers who play puppet shows, community leaders, traders around the location, village officials and local residents.

Furthermore, the police will call the host of the puppet show, BSR in the near future.

"We will also ask for expert witnesses from the district, province, academics and criminal experts," said Didik.

In addition to collecting witness statements, the Special Criminal Unit of the Tulungagung Police Satreskrim has also secured a number of evidences, ranging from invitations distributed, photo and video evidence circulating in the community, to some puppet performances.

Before the puppet show was held, it was suspected that BSR had spread out invitations to local residents and colleagues. BSR argued that this activity was routinely held to celebrate the celebration of the month of Suro (Suroan).

However, BSR also admitted that it had not yet obtained a permit to organize events from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force at the village, sub-district, let alone district levels.

He argued that the event did not invite many people, and continued to apply health protocols.

"However, the alleged violations of health procedures in Karangsari Village (Rejotangan) and Kedungcangkring Village, Pagerwojo District are the same, the articles we apply are the same," said Didik.

It targets the handling of the case to be completed within this month, and to immediately identify the suspect.

Confirmed separately, the Head of Intelligence for the Tulungagung District Attorney, Agung Tri Radityo, said that the violation of the Karangsari process had been transferred to the Tulungagung District Court on Monday, September 6.

As for the trial schedule, his party is still waiting for information from the Court. "For the trial schedule, we are waiting for the schedule from the PN," said Agung.

The suspect was charged with violating Article 14 paragraph 1 of Law No. 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks, and Article 14 paragraph 2 of Law No. 4 of 1984.

"The threat is a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 million," he said.