Knock..Tock..Tock.! Sri Mulyani Is Relieved That The 2020 State Budget Accountability Bill Is Passed Into Law

JAKARTA - The Draft Law on Accountability for the Implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (P2APBN) for Fiscal Year 2020 has been ratified into the P2APBN Law.

In accordance with the provisions and regulations of the DPR, the government and the DPR have conducted a series of discussions on the P2APBN Bill to be ratified into a law.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that with the ratification of the P2APBN Law, it became a form of accountability for the government's accountability in using state finances to the public through the DPR.

According to him, in carrying out the 2020 State Budget, the government always acts in accordance with the legal basis and continues to maintain the accountability of the State Budget.

This is evidenced through the acquisition of an Unqualified Opinion (WTP), according to the results of the examination by the Financial Audit Board (BPK) on the 2020 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP).

"Despite facing extraordinary situations and challenges, the government continues to maintain its commitment to good state financial governance and continues to follow up on the recommendations of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK RI) in the Audit Results Report and recommendations from the Indonesian House of Representatives, in order to improve state financial management comprehensively. effective, comprehensive, and in accordance with the laws and regulations," he said during the DPR RI's plenary session at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday, September 7.

The Minister of Finance added that if you are not complacent and stop only from achieving WTP opinions, and will consistently make improvement efforts through intensive synergy and coordination between government units and with the BPK.

This effort is in order to improve the quality of state financial management so that governance is better and more effective and successful. We also hope that the accountability of the state budget will be more qualified, transparent and accountable," he said.

To note, in the implementation of the 2020 APBN, the government reported the realization of state revenues of Rp. 1,647.7 trillion or 96.9 percent of the ceiling of Rp. 1,699, 9 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of state spending is set at Rp2,595.4 trillion or 94.7 percent of the APBN which is Rp2,739.1 trillion.

Meanwhile, the budget deficit, which was estimated at Rp1,039.2 trillion, only reached Rp947.6 trillion.

To cover the deficit, the realization of financing amounted to Rp. 1,193.2 trillion or 114.8 percent of the 2020 State Budget of Rp. 1,039.2 trillion.