Inspection Of The Ministry Of Home Affairs Finds Many Additional Conditions For Managing Population Documents, DKI Provincial Government Promises To Fix

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has found that urban villages in Jakarta add additional requirements of up to dozens of documents for residents who want to process their residence documents.

The additional requirements for managing the population administration as segambreng were found from the results of an impromptu inspection (sidak) conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Following up on the finding of conditions that did not comply with the procedure, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Dukcapil Office, Budi Awaludin, admitted that his party would immediately evaluate it.

"We have evaluated the results of the inspection carried out by the team of the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on several findings in the field," Budi said in his statement, Tuesday, September 7.

Budi admitted that his party had summoned the Head of Sub-dept., Head of Sector and Kasatpel in all areas of DKI Jakarta, including those on duty in the area where the inspection was conducted, to conduct guidance and socialize the administration guidelines for population services.

"After one week of evaluation and guidance, if there are additional requirements that are not in accordance with the regulations, the public can contact the complaint contact of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Dukcapil Service. " said Budi.

Initially, this finding was known based on the disguise of the ranks of the Ministry of Home Affairs to various Dukcapil Offices in the regions. In DKI Jakarta, the undercover team served as service applicants to 9 urban villages in South Jakarta and East Jakarta.

The Director General of Dukcapil at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh, admitted that the disguise was carried out to boost the quality of public services in the field of population administration (adminduk).

Based on the report, there were 3 teams that jumped on Friday, September 3, 2021 to 9 urban villages in DKI Jakarta, namely North Gandaria, North Cipete, Melawai in South Jakarta, and Bambu Apus, Setu, Cilangkap, Ciracas, Cibubur and Kelapa Dua Wetan in East Jakarta.

"An undercover team from the Dukcapil consists of three people by dividing the task: Two people come first disguised as people who ask for requirements to process population documents, for example birth certificates, death certificates, report moving to DKI Jakarta," said Zudan.

Next, the team leader met the Head of the Dukcapil Service Unit (Kasatpel) at the local kelurahan, explaining that they were staff from the Dukcapil Directorate General who carried out undercover duties.

"Interestingly, the results of the undercover Dukcapil team revealed additional requirements of up to 23 types only to process death certificates. This happened in Cibubur and Setu Villages, East Jakarta with 18 additional requirements for death certificate documents," he explained.

In addition to the many additional requirements, the Dukcapil team undercover reported that there were still additional requirements that were not in accordance with the regulations.

"Requirements vary between sub-districts. Meanwhile, services that are in accordance with the provisions, namely the management of KK and KIA. Likewise, the use of the application form is in accordance with regulations, which previously disguised forms that do not comply with the new regulations," he said.