Must Take Care Of Conditions, Stress During Pregnancy Can Have An Impact On The Fetus

JAKARTA – The birth of the baby is awaited for 9 months and 10 days. During this waiting period, Moms and partners need to maintain conditions, both physical and mental health conditions. Positive thinking is not an easy job, but you need to keep yourself from experiencing stress during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers need extra attention. Starting from adequate nutritional intake, should not be tired, to avoid a lot of thoughts. If you have a lot on your mind, try to manage stress so you don't experience the following effects on the fetus.

Disrupted fetal development

The effects of stress on pregnant women, based on research conducted by The Scientific Association of Psychology, have an impact on the hormones produced by the body. This can have an impact on the birth of a premature fetus or the baby's weight below the ideal weight.

Affects brain development

The condition of the mother and fetus affect each other, if the mother experiences stress, the fetus will feel it too. So Moms need to take care of the emotional state when you are pregnant.

Regarding the impact on the process of growth and development, when stress is not managed properly it can also affect the development of the fetal brain.

Decreased oxygen intake

Stress affects blood vessels, especially in pregnant women can produce the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine which make blood vessels narrow. The impact is limited oxygen intake to the fetus.

The impact of stress during pregnancy in the first trimester on the health of the baby after birth. Based on research that has been done long term, stress is very big influence during pregnancy. The study reported that mothers who experience stress during pregnancy, their children tend to experience heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

To deal with stress, you can discuss with your partner the right way. This is so that Moms get support from the father-to-be. In addition to these methods, set a healthy diet and exercise routine specifically for pregnant women. You can also regularly meditate and do yoga.