Ministry Of Home Affairs: The Handling Of COVID-19 Is Not Optimal If The Regional Election Is Postponed For A Long Time

JAKARTA - Acting Director General of Administration and Territorial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal ZA, explained that the reason for the government and DPR RI to continue to hold simultaneous regional elections this year.

Initially, the Pilkada was held on September 23, 2020. However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the implementation of political contestation in 270 regions was postponed. The government decides the 2020 regional elections to become 9 December 2020, or 3 months from the predetermined date. As a result, many have questioned the government's reasons for pressing for the pilkada.

"Many think how excited the government is. In fact, the message we want to convey is that we need the results," said Safrizal at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, July 6.

Safrizal said, many regional heads whose terms of office expire in February 2021. These job tunnels must be filled by the acting (Plt) or acting (Pj) government.

The problem is that the government is currently focusing on dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. This handling requires a strategic program in each region. Meanwhile, the Acting or Pj's power in making policies is not as flexible as the politically elected regional heads.

"The Acting and Acting leaders have limitations. We need the regional heads' full speed in order to deal with COVID-19. If they don't have full speed, then the victims are the public," Safrizal explained.

Many regional heads want the elections to be held

Some time before, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD claimed that many regional heads agreed that the 2020 Pilkada would still be held on December 9.

"If the regional head based on our monitors, almost all agree. Yes, there are 1 or 2 (who disagree), that's normal. But if you look at the percentage more than 2/3 are excited to be implemented immediately," said Mahfud.

Mahfud realized that the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada during the pandemic was a controversy in the community. However, this is considered something normal. Therefore, Mahfud asked all parties to think positively about the implementation of this pilkada.

"If everyone thinks well, in my opinion, it will not lead to conflict in the end," he said.