DPR Disagrees That Anti-COVID-19 Necklaces Will Be Mass Produced

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) claims to have found an anti-COVID-19 necklace. In fact, the Ministry, which is led by Syahrul Yasin Limpo, will make this necklace en masse, although there are still pros and cons. The reason is because it has gone through agricultural laboratory tests against the influenza virus, as well as betacorona and gammacorona.

Responding to this, Member of Commission IX DPR RI Nety Prasetiyani asked the government, in this case the Ministry of Agriculture, not to be careless. He wants the government to carry out in-depth scientific tests before mass production. Moreover, it is of course related to a large budget.

According to him, the funds should be used for obvious purposes related to handling COVID-19. Not an activity that will later harm state finances in the midst of poor economic conditions.

"Do not let the government blunder in rolling out the policy on this antivirus necklace which has the potential to cause state financial losses related to the mass production process," Netty told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, July 6.

He said, instead of wasting the budget to produce products that have not been scientifically tested, Netty suggested the government focus the existing budget on more urgent matters in handling COVID-19, such as procuring PCR tests, reagents, and the like.

"Including the focus on the industrialization of innovative medical devices that have been proven and needed by the community, such as cheap ventilators made by the nation's children and other innovations," said Netty.

Meanwhile, member of Commission IV DPR RI from the PKS faction Hamid Noor Yasin also responded to the discourse on the production of this necklace. According to him, the Ministry of Agriculture's efforts were too hasty. In fact, the problem is that this necklace is claimed to be able to cure COVID-19 even though there have been no clinical trials.

"The Ministry of Agriculture's efforts are too hasty in releasing aromatherapy necklace products which are still classified as herbal, not medicinal. The problem is that there are already claims to cure COVID-19. Without adequate explanation, many people think occult or amulets," said Hamid quoted from the DPR website. RI.

It is known, some time ago the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo introduced a necklace claimed to be anti-COVID-19. A necklace containing eucalyptus or eucalyptus is claimed to kill 42 percent of the corona virus if used for 15 minutes and 80 percent of the corona virus is used for 30 minutes.

"This is the antiviral results of Balitbangtan, euucalyptus, eucalyptus trees. Of the 700 types, 1 can kill our corona results and the lab results are for antivirus, and we are sure. Next month this will be printed and reproduced," said Yasin, Friday, July 3. ago.

The Ministry of Agriculture also said that he had obtained patents related to this eucaplytus-based antivirus. Quoted from the website, apart from patenting the product, the Ministry of Agriculture also collaborates with PT Eagle Indo Pharma for its development and production.

Head of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Fadjry Djufry, said the signing was a government step to respond to this pandemic. In addition, this step is hoped to be part of the government's efforts to support the work of the nation's children.

"Researchers in Balibangtan are also part of the nation's children, they strive to produce something useful for their nation. Hopefully this can be a good discovery that is useful for all of us," he said.

The findings, said Fadjry, have been concluded through molecular docking tests and in vitro tests at the Balitbangtan Laboratory. Then, the basic antiviral ingredient derived from Eucalyptus has been known to work to relieve the respiratory tract and has other functions such as removing mucus, insect repellent, wound disinfectant, pain relief, relieving nausea, and preventing oral disease.

In addition, eucaplytus citridora essential oil can be an antiviral against the avian influenza virus (bird flu) subtype H5N1, gammacorona virus, and beta corona virus.

"This is not an oral drug, this is not a vaccine, but we have tested the effectiveness, in the laboratory scientifically we can prove it, at least this is part of our efforts, this eucalyptus oil has also been used by people and until now there is no problem. tens of years ago, people recognized eucalyptus or eucalyptus oil, although it is different, but still one family, only different genera in taxonomy, "he concluded.