Firli Bahuri Says Many Officials Are Misguided About The Time Of Reporting Wealth

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said there were still many officials in the executive, legislative and judicial circles who misunderstood the timing of reporting their assets.

According to him, officials usually only report their assets before and after taking office. In fact, said Firli, they should have also reported their assets while still in office.

"Our understanding is that the obligation to report LHKPN is still thinking before and after. That is not wrong. There is Article 5 Paragraph 3 which states that LHKPN reporting is carried out before and after taking office," said Firli in a discussion program broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube, Tuesday, September 7 .

"But if we read Article 5 Paragraph 2 LHKPN is carried out three times, three items. Before, during, and after (serving, ed)," he added.

The former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Commission then revealed that there are still many officials who think they don't need to report their assets on the pretext of the existing articles.

Thus, Firli asked officials to orderly report their assets periodically when serving as state administrators. "This means that if 2019 is obedient (reporting LHKPN, ed), 2020 is obedient, from 2021 to 2024 it must continue," he said.

"So if the KPK asks for forever (to serve, ed) then please fulfill it," added Firli.

Furthermore, Firli also mentioned the low level of compliance of DPR RI members in reporting LHKPN. He said that as of September 6 yesterday, only 58 percent of legislators had submitted reports to the anti-corruption commission, a decrease compared to 74 percent in the previous period.

"From the reporting obligations, 569 have reported themselves 330 and have not reported 239 or the percentage rate of new reports is 58 percent," he said.

In fact, said Firli, reporting assets is a form of responsibility of legislators to their voters as well as a way to control themselves from corrupt practices.

"We show that we as citizens, children of the nation are committed to eradicating corruption and are not friendly with the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism," he concluded.