Brexit Red Carpet After Boris Johnson's Victory

JAKARTA - The British Conservative Party won the election. The party headed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson rolled the other parties in with extraordinary results. From this victory, many parties considered that it would pave the way for Britain's resignation from the European Union (Brexit).

The Conservatives won the upper hand over Jeremy Corbyn's opposition Labor Party. Jeremy Corbyn said he was going to step down. Meanwhile, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Jo Swinson, lost his seat as the Scottish National Party swept to victory in Scotland.

Quoted by the BBC, the Conservative Party won 364 seats in parliament, while the Labor Party got 203 seats, in third place there was the SNP party (Scottish National Party) got 48 seats.

In his victory speech, Johnson told volunteers that the election result this time was a "new dawn" for the country.

Meanwhile, a Conservative Party victory is likely to become a red carpet for Brexit. In Johnson's words, "the victory of the Conservative Party has broken the Brexit roadblock in parliament and ended the threat of another referendum in Europe." In addition, Johnson also promised to complete Brexit on January 31.

After 31 January, Britain will enter a transitional period until the end of 2020. Within that range, London and the European Union must reach an agreement on what their future trade relationship will look like.

The European Union hopes to start negotiations on a trade deal between the two sides in March, led by EU negotiator Michel Barnier. This leaves practically 10 months for an agreement to be reached and for it to be ratified by the UK Parliament and EU countries.