Students And Alumnus Become Suspects Of Student Brawl In Semarang

SEMARANG - Police have named two students and an alumnus as suspects in a brawl between students at SMKN 3 and 4 Semarang, Central Java.

"Student brawls between the two schools are carried by seniors," said Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar in Semarang, Monday, September 6.

The police chief named the three suspects respectively named Wrizal Sabila Mukti (20), an alumnus of SMKN 4 Semarang, and Shihab Hardiansyah (18) and Adam Bagus Ababil (18), students of SMKN 3 and 4.

Irwan explained that the brawl around Taman Indonesia Kaya on September 2, 2021 began when SMKN 3 students attacked SMKN 4.

A student of SMKN 3 suffered an injury to his hand due to a sharp object slash.

"So, this SMKN 3 student who attacked, the injured was also from SMKN 3," he said.

From the perpetrator's statement, the invitation to a brawl was conveyed in the student's internal WhatsApp group.

There was also an alumnus of SMKN 4 who took part in the brawl, he continued, claiming to be invited by his friend. The brawl itself was triggered by mutual ridicule on social media.

For their actions, the suspects were charged with the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 for possession of sharp weapons and Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings.