Safe And Comfortable Cycling In A New Time Of Normal

JAKARTA - During the new normal phase, many people started using bicycles as a means of transportation to their offices or places of activity. However, there are some tips that must be known so that cycling during a pandemic is safer and more comfortable.

"In the new era of normality, you still have to keep your distance, wear a mask anywhere to avoid droplets, but you need to adjust the intensity of the speed of riding to regulate your breath so you don't get short of breath when using a mask, while using a face shield is not recommended because there are still gaps for droplets," said Sports Medicine Specialist Doctor Andhika Raspati reported by, Monday, July 6.

On the other hand, he added, cyclists must pay attention to their own safety before cycling.

"Safety needs to be considered. Using a helmet, using lights or shining clothes to indicate other road users, besides ensuring their health condition, by consulting a doctor how fit you are and if you are just cycling, don't follow friends who are used to long distance. and get used to it, "said Dhika, his nickname.

Furthermore, Andhika, who is also the Head of Medical Affairs at the Indonesian Bicycle Race Federation PB ISSI, advised cycling to meet needs only.

"It is hoped that the use of bicycles is in accordance with their needs, there is no need to gather even though they are gathered, still obey health protocols," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Bike2Work Indonesia Poetoet Soedarjanto explained, beginners must start cycling gradually.

"The best way to cycle during this pandemic is how the intensity of the strokes during the trip, for beginners who first need to gradually start from once a week, then three or four times a week, then when they are used to they can use the bicycle every day to work," explained Poetoet.

Furthermore, he reminded, cycling on the highway must pay attention to how many things.

"Intend not to get hurt and harm others by obeying traffic rules, always respect other road users and don't get infected and infect other people by adhering to health protocols. Then it is advisable to ride alone or solo, if a group of up to five people," said Om Poetoet, his familiar greeting.

Keep in mind, cycling is a form of body exercise, for those who like cycling will have good body fitness, especially for the heart and lungs. In addition, cycling can also prevent various diseases, obesity and maintain immunity.