Mysterious Woman Skeleton Found In Perhutani Protection Forest In Banyuwangi Evacuated

BANYUWANGI - A human skeleton found in a protected forest area belonging to Perhutani, West Banyuwangi Region, East Java, was finally evacuated.

It took five days to find the location points and evacuate them. This is because of its remote location and difficult terrain.

"Alhamdulillah, we succeeded in evacuating the skeleton. Last night, Sunday (5/9) we brought it to the mortuary of the Blambangan Hospital," said Licin Police Chief, Iptu Dalyono, Monday, September 6.

Dalyono said two teams were dispatched to find and evacuate the skeletons. The first team failed to find the location of the body, and went home empty-handed.

Luckily the second team managed to find the skeleton. He said for the evacuation, the terrain was hills and ravines. Then it was decided to turn around even though the distance was further.

"There are at least 8 hills and 9 rivers. Finally we took a detour, heading to Plampang Hamlet, Bulusari Village, Kalipuro District. At around 22.30 Sunday night, the evacuation team arrived at the pick-up point," he said.

After being evacuated, the human skeleton was taken to the mortuary of the Blambangan Hospital for identification purposes.

Initial examination revealed that the human skeleton was female and was around 76 years old.

The human skeleton was originally found by the team to install boundary markers in the protected forest area of Perhutani, Licin District, Banyuwangi, Monday, August 30.

The skeleton was found in the area between the nature reserve and the Perhutani protected forest in the western region of Banyuwangi. At that time there was a team of five people who were installing boundary markers.

The skeleton was found from the highway approximately 4 kilometers with the contours of the area of a steep ravine. After finding the skeleton, they reported it to the Licin Police Station.