Initial Allegations, The Explosion In Menteng Was Not Related To Terrorists

JAKARTA - An explosion suspected to have originated from a homemade bomb occurred in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Sunday, July 5 afternoon. The Gegana and Puslabfor teams went directly to the field and immediately carried out an in-depth investigation.

"Tonight we have carried out a TKP process where we involve Gegana and Puslabfor," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Heru Novianto when confirmed regarding the incident, Sunday, July 5.

However, he could not confirm whether the explosion came from a homemade bomb or not. He said, after the results of the investigation were known, it would be announced to the public.

"We will still wait for the results of the crime scene from the forensic laboratory, tomorrow maybe it will come out," he said.

He said the explosion was not that big. So that there are no casualties or injuries from this explosion. Currently, the blast site is sterile or cleaned.

"The only loss is a flat tire of the Pajero car. The position of the car is on the side of the road, we do not know who the target is. We are still investigating it. We are still gathering witnesses and we are still conducting investigations, whether there is a connection with witnesses around the scene," he said.

Regarding whether this incident was related to a terrorist act or not, he also could not confirm. However, he said, terrorist acts usually seek victims and endanger people around them. Meanwhile, this explosion was not too big and there were no casualties. However, the investigation into allegations of terrorist acts is still being explored.

"Terrorists are usually always looking for victims and the material is usually dangerous to the people around them. If we see that there is no casualty impact, whether humans, only physical car tires. It's still a long way. For terrorists, we have not concluded and need deepening," he said.

On this occasion he said five people were questioned. However, he could not name the five people who were questioned. "Let us work," he said.