The Perpetrators Of The Violence To Evict Tamansari Must Be Investigated

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) asked to investigate cases that acted repressively and carried out violence against residents when they evicted the densely populated settlements in the Tamansari area to become Rumah Deret (Rudet).

That was said by Komnas HAM Chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik after meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD to discuss the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) with Attorney General ST Burhanuddin.

"The perpetrator must be investigated. This violates the SOP, the police are not allowed to commit violence in a law enforcement process, starting from the time Pak Tito was very strict, Pak Idham was also firm in that matter," Ahmad told reporters at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat , Central Jakarta, Friday, December 13.

Komnas HAM is disappointed in the violent evictions there. Moreover, mediation has been carried out between the municipal government and the residents affected by the evictions, initiated by Komnas HAM.

From the mediation, Ahmad explained, a number of residents chose to file a lawsuit at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) and the legal process is still ongoing.

"If they take the legal route, the legal process should be passed first. Then whatever legal action is, there should be no violence. That is very unfortunate," said Taufan, adding that the mediation process had also just finished but the residents had even faced violence.

Komnas HAM will also deploy a team to investigate the issue of violence next week, Monday, December 16. "We will try to go down. However, one of our commissioners (without mentioning his name) has been in contact with Pak Rudi (West Java Police Chief), but I have not checked the latest developments," he said.

In the same place, Mahfud MD did not comment on the violence perpetrated by the security forces at Tamansari, Bandung. He did not budge and chose to leave journalists to the Presidential Palace to attend a limited meeting of the Ministers of the Advanced Indonesian Cabinet.

While at the Presidential Palace, Mahfud commented on this case briefly.

"Ah, don't make a fuss, you don't understand the meaning of human rights violations," he said before getting into his car.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that his party had taken preventive measures. One way to do this is by bringing together the two parties to communicate with each other. Hopefully, there is a way out that benefits both of them.

"Kapolrestabes Bandung has encouraged communication between the two parties, both the community and the Bandung city government," said Trunoyudo while adding that preventive measures were the right way to prevent further clashes.

"Of course we do it and prioritize conflict prevention in a communicative way," he continued.

Previously, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) wanted to convert the densely populated settlements in the Tamansari area into a Row House (Rudet). This effort ended in chaos. The residents who had been living in the Tamansari land for a long time refused to move.

Thursday, December 12 yesterday, became the peak of the anger of the Tamansari residents. Arguments between residents and Bandung City Satpol PP officers were inevitable, which led to mass clashes.

In order to disperse the crowd, the police officers who were on guard eventually had to fire tear gas shots. About 25 people were arrested during the clash, three of whom were caught carrying sharp weapons.