The History Of United States Independence And Its Fireworks Festival

JAKARTA - The celebration of Independence Day in the United States or '4th of July' which falls on this day has been a tradition since 1776. Since it was first celebrated until today, the celebration is synonymous with fireworks. How is the history?

The peak of the history of US independence was when the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775. Some of the colonies, which were both colonialists, wanted full independence from Britain. Those who wanted independence were considered radicals.

Then in the middle of the following year, the revolutionary movement grew bigger. More and more of the colonies finally wanted to have their own country.

Citing History, on June 7, the Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee introduced a motion calling for colony independence. Amid the debate, Congress postponed a vote on Lee's resolution.

Congress then created a five-person committee, including Thomas Jefferson from Virginia, John Adams from Massachusetts, Roger Sherman from Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania and Robert R. Livingston from New York. They were tasked with drafting an official statement text to prepare for independence from Britain.

Then on July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress held a vote in support of independence. Two days later, July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a state foundation drafted by Thomas Jefferson. The Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence, most of which Jefferson wrote.

Firework party

July 4 is later celebrated as United States Independence Day. A year later, onwards US Independence Day is celebrated with a fireworks display.

The ship's cannon was prepared for this celebration. The weapon was fired 13 times in honor of the 13 colonies fighting for independence.

The tradition of celebration expanded after the War of 1812 when the US again faced Britain. In 1870, the US Congress declared July 4 a federal holiday.

It was only in the late 19th century that the 4th of July Day was filled with recreational activities and family gatherings. On this day they usually burn barbecue and eat other foods. But one of the most important among the other activities: fireworks display. The most common symbols of this celebration besides the fireworks are the US flag and the accompaniment of the US national anthem "The Star Spangled Banner".