East Kutai Regent OTT Becomes The First Wiretapping Conducted By The KPK After Amendments To The Law
JAKARTA - The Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) against the Regent of East Kutai, East Kalimantan, Ismunandar, was mentioned by KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango as an operation whose wiretapping was carried out under the mechanism of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. The wiretapping of this case began in February.
"This case, in our records, is the first wiretapping we carried out after the revision of Law 19 of 2019. That is our record. So around February, we carried out the first wiretapping," said Nawawi in a press conference held at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada. , South Jakarta, Friday, July 3.
The KPK has followed up on allegations of corruption by conducting wiretaps after receiving complaints and information from the public.
In the provisions of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, to carry out wiretapping, the KPK leadership must ask permission from the KPK Supervisory Board.
In addition, to carry out searches and confiscations, the KPK leadership must also ask permission from the council that was born because of the revision of the KPK Law.
Was reminded not to play projectsBefore the arrest operation that ensnared the East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and the Chairman of the East Kutai DPRD who was also his wife, Encek RU Firgasih, it turned out that Nawawi had visited East Kalimantan. This visit is carried out in the context of coordination and supervision activities that are often carried out by these anti-graft agencies.
During the visit, Nawawi admitted that he had reminded regional heads in East Kalimantan Province not to play in goods and service procurement projects.
"We said at that time that in relation to the procurement of goods and services there really was no more games. Because we, the KPK really monitors activities related to the procurement of goods and services," he said.
"We even convey this threat to government officials and contractors in East Kalimantan, but in fact, as we see now," he added.
The suspect who was arrestedThe Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and his wife - who is the chairman of the East Kutai Regency DPRD - Encek UR Firgasih, as well as 5 other people as suspects in the alleged acceptance of bribes related to infrastructure work in the East Kutai Regency Government.
Of the 7 people arrested, 5 of whom were named as suspects who received bribes were the East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and the Head of the East Kutai Regency DPRD Encek UR Firgasih (husband and wife), the Head of Bapenda Musyafa, the Head of BPKAD Suriansyah, and the Head of the Public Works Office Aswandini.
Meanwhile, the other 2 were determined to be bribes, namely a contractor who is also a partner in a number of projects in the East Kutai area, namely Aditya Maharani and Deky Aryanto.
For his actions, as recipients of East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and Chairman of the East Kutai DPRD Encek UR Firgasih; Head of Bapenda Musyafa; Head of BPKAD Suriansyah; and Head of the Public Works Service, Aswandini, is suspected of violating Article 12 paragraph 1 (1) letter A or B Article 11 of Law Number 31 in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 to (1) KUP in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
Meanwhile, as the giver, Aditya Maharani and Deky Aryanto allegedly violated Article 5 paragraph (1) letter A or B Article 13 of Law Number 31 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.