Peduli Application Protects Efforts To Digitize Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - The PeduliLindung application is one way to improve health screening efficiency during the corona virus pandemic. This has been recognized by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"It is hoped that this will be one of the efforts to digitize health data in Indonesia," said the spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, to ANTARA, quoted on Sunday, September 5.

Wiku stated that this application is an effort by the government to improve health screening efficiency, where several data collections that form the basis of contact tracing can be accessed simultaneously.

The application, since its launch last year, has been widely used for data collection of vaccinations and travel history.

Users can register for a COVID-19 vaccination and check the vaccination schedule through the application. If you have been vaccinated, digital certificates can also be viewed and downloaded through the PeduliLindung application.

The use of the PeduliLindung application has become more widespread after the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 38 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities Level 4, Level 3 and Level 2 COVID-19 in the Java and Bali regions.

The regulation regulates the operations of various industrial sectors during PPKM at various levels. Starting September 7, a number of places such as offices and shopping centers are required to use PeduliLindungi screening.

Implementations that have been carried out include shopping center visitors having to scan a QR code with the application before entering.

Officers in a number of public places also asked the public to show a certificate of COVID-19 vaccine before entering.

Recently, the Electronic Health Card Alert (e-HAC) system from the Ministry of Health has been integrated with PeduliLindungi. People who travel by public transportation, such as airplanes, can register their travel details through PeduliLindung.

Along with the widespread use of this application, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force urges the public to use Care to Protect wisely.

"People should use the PeduliLindung application responsibly and tell the government if there are problems or limitations during its use," said Wiku.