5 Things To Do When Experiencing Sexual Violence

JAKARTA – Sexual violence affects both physically and mentally. An employee of KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission) some time ago published an open statement that he had been bullied and sexually assaulted by his co-workers.

Based on the facts that occurred in Indonesia, sexual violence can be experienced by anyone, both women and men. Reported by CNN Indonesia, Saturday, September 4, a 2018 survey conducted by Hollaback Jakarta, women, Lentera Sintas Indonesia, JFDG, and Change found that 1 in 10 men experienced sexual harassment in public spaces such as offices, schools, campuses, public transportation, etc. including social media.

That is, the assumption that sexual violence and bullying are not experienced by men is wrong. When a person, colleague, relative, or friend experiences an unpleasant event that is degrading related to sexual activity, you can do the 5 things below.

1. Report to the leadership

The closest party responsible for the institution of the occurrence of sexual violence needs to know. Therefore, it is important to report to the leadership when experiencing sexual violence.

This step is the first step to stop acts that are disrespectful and respectful, especially if they are carried out by fellow colleagues.

2. Save the evidence

Evidence is an important thing to have. This can be documentation, it can be in any form, a short message, a photo of an unpleasant action, or a scribble. As much as possible, never feel ashamed of what has been experienced.

3. Do a visa

The results of the post-mortem are evidence based on the events experienced. Then do a visa and keep evidence that has actually experienced sexual violence.

4. Asking for or giving support

If you experience it yourself, asking for help can make you calmer and have the courage to speak up. If a friend or relative has experienced it, support the survivor.

According to Dr. Haekal Yassier Anshari, a beauty practitioner, aging, and sexologist, advises "Or if we are in his friend's position, give support, and protection and moral support so that the victim avoids psychological disorders."

5. Report to the authorities

Reporting to the authorities, the police, is important after experiencing sexual violence. Sexual violence and bullying are included in the criminal realm. That is, the perpetrator must be responsible for actions that harm others.