Banjarnegara Regent Reportedly Status Update After Detention, KPK: He Admits He Can't Use Social Media

JAKARTA - Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party immediately searched the detention room occupied by the Regent of Banjarnegara, Budhi Sarwono, who had just been detained last night. The search was carried out after his party received information that Budhi had updated his status on social media. In fact, the use of all forms of communication tools has been prohibited in the detention house (rutan).

"In response to information circulating about posts on the social media accounts of KPK detainees BS, the Banjarnegara Regent, we conveyed that the KPK immediately conducted a search of the detention room and did not find any communication equipment," said Ali in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Saturday, 4 September.

In addition, the officer asked if Budhi had uploaded a status on his social media and this he denied.

"The suspect BS also stated in his statement that he could not use social media," said Ali.

Thus, he believes that the upload on social media does not come directly from Budhi but from another party. Ali also ensured that all detainees were prohibited from using electronic devices including communication tools as stipulated in the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2013.

Not only that, all KPK detainees will also be examined in detail and in layers when entering the detention center.

"The security of the detention center is also guarded by officers 24 hours a day and monitored through various surveillance cameras," said Ali.

Previously reported, Budhi Sarwono allegedly received a commitment fee of around Rp. 2.1 billion from various infrastructure projects in Banjarnegara Regency.

"The acceptance of a commitment fee of 10 percent by BS is carried out directly or through a KA intermediary," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Friday, September 3.

The receipt of the money began when in September 2017, Budhi was inaugurated as the Regent of Banjarnegara. After being official, he ordered Kedy as his confidant to lead a coordination meeting attended by representatives of the construction service association in Banjarnegara Regency.

The meeting, said Firli, was held in a restaurant. In the meeting, as directed by Budhi, Kedy conveyed that the project work package in Banjarnegara Regency would be relaxed by increasing the estimated price by 20 percent of the project value.

In addition, companies that wish to obtain infrastructure procurement projects are required to provide tribute or a commitment fee of 10 percent of the project value.

After the first meeting, then another meeting was held at Budhi Sarwono's private house. At that time, representatives of the Gapensi Banjarnegara association were present and Budhi again conveyed what Kedy had said.

"Directly BS conveyed, among others, increasing HPS by 20 percent from the current price with a further distribution of 10 percent for BS as a commitment fee and 10 percent as partner profits," said Firli.

Not only asking for a fee commitment, Budhi was also named a suspect because he played an active role in the implementation of the infrastructure work auction. Firli said, the Banjarnegara Regent participated directly in distributing work packages at the PUPR Service, including family companies, and arranging the auction winners.

Meanwhile, Kedy is always monitored and directed by Budhi, especially when making arrangements for the division of work. This is intended so that companies that are members of the Bumi Redjo group can splash out on procurement projects.