KSP Indosurya Accommodates Creditors' Suggestions To Achieve Peace
JAKARTA - The manager of the Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) held a meeting with a number of creditors in order to resolve banking problems at the Jakarta Commercial Court.
KSP Indosurya lawyer, Hendra Widjaya said, a series of meetings conducted by opening a discussion room at Grha Indosurya, were directly held between the management and cooperative members.
Hendra emphasized that KSP Indosurya will submit the best proposal based on suggestions and input from creditors in order to reach an agreement for both parties. This will be used as material for submitting a proposal which was scheduled for Monday 6 July to be submitted back to the Court.
"The agenda for Monday will be to discuss proposals based on creditors' input," Hendra said in a statement quoted on Friday, July 3.
Hendra explained that the KSP Indosurya had submitted a peace proposal to a number of customers and their creditors in order to achieve peace. Then the creditors submitted their input and suggestions to perfect the proposal for solving banking problems submitted by their party as a debtor.
"The debtor will provide a revision of the peace proposal based on creditors' input," said Hendra.
It was revealed that the KSP Indosurya had read out a peace proposal at the trial. However, at the hearing, a number of creditors submitted improvements to be revised. The results of this revision will be presented at the next meeting, Monday 6 July.
"Most of them ask for corporate guarantees and the tenor is faster," said this lawyer.
Another attorney for KSP Indosurya, Rizky Dwinanto, ensures that all aspirations from creditors will be discussed by his clients in the next few days.
"So, we will take all the dependents and input from the creditors internally first. And we will maximize it," said Rizky.
Creditors Hope Indosurya Not BankruptMeanwhile, one of the creditors, Hendra Nurhalim, also said that the debtor invited a new scheme which was expected to provide the best results for both parties. He revealed that creditors conveyed their aspirations for proposal improvement, one of which was to emphasize guarantees for peace.
Hendra also hopes that the Indosurya KSP will not be bankrupt and operate again so that customer finances will rotate.
"We want peace, but what guarantees they have to give. We want a future reference, so that peace is okay, we really agree with the problem," said Hendra.
Regarding interest, Hendra added that if KSP Indosurya gets a profit, it can be given to creditors so that it can help Indosurya run its business again.
Thursday 2 July, the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) has again postponed the implementation of the PKPU KSP Indosurya Cipta case hearing. PKPU supervisory judge Makmur decided to postpone the trial until next week, giving Indosurya the opportunity to share the proposal for a second peace offer in more detail to creditors.
"Based on input from debtors and creditors, the peace proposal has not been detailed. So that there will be a discussion of a second, more detailed peace proposal and it will be endeavored to have the Annual Member Meeting (RAT). This means that the current session is postponed and will be continued at the next session on Monday 6 July, "said Hakim Makmur at the Central Jakarta District Court Building.