After Tommy Suharto, Now It's Kaharudin Ongko's Turn To Be Called By The BLBI Task Force Regarding IDR 8 Trillion Debt

JAKARTA - Former official of the National Commercial Bank (BUN) Kaharudin Ongko is reportedly being summoned by the Task Force (Satgas) for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) related to debt issues totaling Rp8.18 trillion.

The information was revealed when the Task Force disseminated the announcement through the mass media in the middle of this week, as forwarded by the Special Staff of the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo.

"In connection with the implementation of the tasks of the BLBI Task Force based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2021, we are hereby requesting the presence of you (Kaharudin Ongko) on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 10.00 WIB at the Syarifudin Prawiranegara Building, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta," the statement reads as follows: quoted on Saturday, September 4.

Meanwhile, the planned agenda is the settlement of state claims for BLBI funds amounting to Rp7.28 trillion for the National Commercial Bank (BUN) and Rp359.43 billion for Bank Arya Panduarta.

"In the event that you do not fulfill the obligation to settle state collection rights, then actions will be taken as stipulated in the legislation," said the BLBI Task Force.

One thing that is interesting is that the BLBI Task Force managed to track down the whereabouts of Kaharudin Ongko, who is believed to also live in Singapore, apart from his house in Setiabudi, South Jakarta.

It is important to note that the summoning of unscrupulous bailout funds through the mass media is the last mechanism if the two initial personal summons are not obeyed.

Previously, the youngest son of former President Suharto, namely Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto was also summoned by the BLBI Task Force through the mass media. However, Tommy reportedly did not come to the call, which was planned for August 26.

For information, BLBI is an aid (loan) scheme provided by Bank Indonesia to banks experiencing liquidity problems during the 1998 monetary crisis in the country. This step is intended as a bailout so that banks have the ability to maintain cash flow when there is a wave of withdrawals by customers due to economic uncertainty.

Just so you know, the value of state losses on the central bank's bailout funds that occurred 22 years ago reached Rp110.45 trillion. Until now, the government still bears the burden of repaying the principal loan to BI along with the interest.

Recently, the government through the Ministry of Finance has succeeded in confiscation of assets from BLBI fraudsters in a number of regions. In a press conference on Friday, August 27, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani explained that one of the assets is located in Karawaci, Tangerang with an estimated value of Rp. 1.3 trillion.

Elsewhere, the state also managed to control 49 plots of land with a total area of 5,291,200 square meters in three different locations, namely Medan, Pekanbaru and Bogor.