Puan Hopes That Watimpres Can Provide Strategic Input For The President

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has inaugurated nine figures chosen as the presidential consideration council (Wantimpres). Of the nine names chosen, one of them was former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, hopes that the nine figures who have been elected can help the president in providing input in various matters.

"It can help provide considerations. Because the Wantimpres is a deliberative council. Strategic and concrete considerations when asked by the president in developing the nation and state," said Puan, when met in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, Friday, December 13.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP said that the appointment of the nine figures to sit in the position of the advisory council was the prerogative of the president. Even so, Puan said, the nine figures who were inaugurated had represented every element.

"Of course it represents certain elements. For example, there are elements of religion, politics, economics and others," he said.

Meanwhile, Wasekjen PAN Saleh Daulay hopes that the inauguration of the Presidential Advisory Board can accelerate the realization of the development program promised by President Jokowi during the last election campaign.

In addition, Saleh said, this Wantimpres could contribute positively and be active in providing input and considerations to the president. It is hoped that the existence of the Wantimpres will not only be a prestigious institution without work, but its presence must be truly felt and useful.

"In terms of its name, this Wantimpres appears to be a large institution close to the president. Of course the president should be able to use it in completing his duties. There is a lot of homework to be done," he said.

The number of presidential assistants, ranging from ministers, deputy ministers, spokespersons, presidential chief of staff, and others, should have realized the development program more quickly. Moreover, he said, the president's aides were claimed to be people who were very precise in their positions. It is only natural that people expect a lot from the concrete actions they will take.

"Regarding whether the benefits of this will be felt, please the public to judge. Because, the presence of wantimpres has existed for several periods ago. And as a public institution, wantimpres can of course be criticized, given input, and also suggestions," he said.

As is known, President Joko Widodo has appointed nine members of the Presidential Advisory Board at the State Palace in Jakarta. The inauguration was based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 137 / P / 2019 concerning the appointment of the Presidential Advisory Council Membership.

Wiranto was appointed as Chairman and concurrently a member of the Wantimpres. While the other eight members, namely, Sidarto Danusubroto (PDIP senior politician), Agung Laksono (Golkar Party senior politician), Dato Sri Tahir (Mayapada Group boss), Putri Kuswisnu Wardani (Mutika Ratu boss). Then, Mardiono (PPP politician), Arifin Panigoro (Medco Energi boss), Soekarwo (former Governor of East Java), and Habib Luthfi bin Yahya (NU figure).